We've always been a sucker for dogs... my dog Zoe comes into the office with me every day. She's a great stress reliever!
Our work with dogs started may years ago when we were approached by a local boater who had a problem with his little Yorkie that was forever jumping off the boat. The solution was a little neoprene wet suit complete with a hook so he could haul his dog out of the water every time he leaped overboard.
Making braces for animals was the next logical step, which we have done many times over the years.
One of the more heart-warming stories was when we received a call from man about his beautiful Golden Retriever, Tasha. She was in the twilight of her years. And until the last year of her life, she'd had a wonderful life as a therapy dog, giving love and comfort to patients in hospices. Tasha had just gone through major surgery removing a tumour from her leg and her owner was hoping a brace would make walking a little more pleasurable again in the time she had left.
The first video on this page captures Tasha struggling to walk without her knee brace and then in the second, the surprising difference it made once the brace had been fitted.
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We heard a week later that Tasha had left this world, but it was wonderful to know her last weekend was sheer joy as she walked the beaches of Boundary Bay for the last time.