I got my shoes ordered yesterday! Thank you so much to everyone........I experienced the BEST customer service I have ever had! I will definitely recommend your company to all my friends.
In this day and age, the world seems to be less customer service centered but you guys rocked it!!!
Eric Lafrance, Gatineau, QC
June 28, 2016
I received my new Oofos this week. I must say, I am very thankful for your service and most of all, for you standing behind your product and replacing my Oofos. It is very rare nowadays that companies do so and it speaks volumes about how important your clients are to you. I am thoroughly impressed with how you handled my problem and will continue spreading the good word about the Oofos brand and the people who sell them. Thank you very much,
Grenville McGonegal, St. John's NL
September 29, 2014
I must comment that this is truly customer service that goes beyond what I normally encounter and you are to be highly commended. You make a great team at Anatech. Pleasant service is a high end quality product. You offer that and you deserve recognition.
Eliza, UniPHARM wholesale
October 18, 2013
Thanks Karen, You rock with your back order notifications...wish all companies were like you!
Remi Duguay, Sideout Sports
January 21, 2013
I need to tell you that we appreciate our relationship with you and Anatech very much. I can tell Anatech is a World Class organization with the way they treat their customers with attention and detail. I certainly hope that we can continue to grow together.
Tim Miller, Orthoticare Clinic
April 30, 2007
Hey Anatech, You guys rock! I got the call from a local hockey player saying that his shoulder had dislocated in a game three weeks ago and that he has been in physio since for this injury. During the assessment we discussed the time until fitting and he said that his team had won the Provincial Championship and was going to Alberta for the Western Canada Final series. The team was leaving that morning for the 15 hour bus ride and the sooner he could get the brace the sooner he could get out to Camrose for the Doyle Cup. I got on the phone to Anatech and spoke with Kim. I explained the situation and how quickly we needed a custom brace. Kim worked her magic with the Anatech team and I picked up the finished brace the next morning at the courier on my way into work. I fit the patient on his way to the airport and he was able to skate with the team the morning before the game. Thanks to Anatech for helping me meet the needs of my patient by providing a custom brace overnight and allowing my patient to contribute to his team in the finals.
In this day and age, the world seems to be less customer service centered but you guys rocked it!!!